Simplifying Leadership

The Basic Lesson

The sea teaches many lessons to those who sail upon her restless waves. One of the most fundamental lessons is that no one person can move a ship through the water. Moving a ship is impossible without a crew and getting a crew to effectively work together at sea takes leadership.

It is precisely the same in business. Pulling a team together to meet an annual goal or a project deadline requires leadership that is as effective as that needed to move a ship.

The good news is that leadership is a learned skill, one that is much easier to learn than most people think. Just like learning to drive a car or swing a tennis racket, it takes a little fundamental knowledge and a lot of practice.

The trick is that leadership is not a static skill. It is a journey during which one can get better and better.  There is always something new to learn that will make you a more effective leader which in turn helps the bottom line.
The Teacher
It has been said that when you are ready to learn the teacher will appear.  Bill Hickman has more than 50 years experience leading teams and teaching others to lead teams.  He can help you and your team achieve new things – easily and together!

 Bill Hickman’s particular skill is in finding the root of a problem, the essence of an issue or an opportunity, and the underlying human dynamics that may have a person, or an organization, stalled in its tracks.  Be prepared.  Working with Bill is like putting rocket fuel in your car.  You are going to accelerate beyond anything you thought possible.Jim Huling, CEO,  MATRIX Resources
The Daily Start
Bill believes that even though leadership is simple, it requires you to be on your toes all day.  You need to start thinking like a leader each and every morning.  One way to do this is to focus on something to help wake up your brain.
Let Bill help by offering you a mental cup of coffee every business day!  For over 40 years Bill has helped thousands start their day with an eclectic thought to begin the leadership process.  Here is today’s thought:

Decisions are made by people who have time, not people who have talent.

Scott Adams

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